

Where Learning Became Wings: My St. Thomas Journey (2005-2012) St. Thomas Public School wasn't just an educational institution for me, it was a family. From 2005 to 2012, those red brick walls housed a world of discovery. The focus on academics was an undeniable spark, igniting a love for learning that continues to this day. Every subject became a captivating journey, transporting me across continents, unraveling complex equations, and fostering a thirst for knowledge. Beyond the curriculum, St. Thomas provided a platform for self-discovery. It was a place where I could explore different facets of myself, forging friendships that would stand the test of time. Graduation in 2012 was a bittersweet moment. Tears welled up in my eyes, not just because a chapter was closing, but because I was leaving behind a place that felt like a second home. St. Thomas had equipped me with the knowledge, skills, and confidence to step into the world, prepared to chase my dreams. The lessons learned and the memories made within those walls continue to shape me even today. I am currently pursuing my PhD in Quantum Signal Processing and Quantum Machine Learning at Arizona State University, USA.
Aishwarya Rajan
Senior software engineer
I feel blessed to have been a student at St. Thomas Public school. The well-rounded education provided by the school has shaped me into who I am today. The diligent efforts and dedication of the teachers in ensuring the success of each student is commendable.
Sara Susan Ninan
Data Scientist at Capgemini
I joined STPS in the 7th grade, and even though I joined later than most, I have fond memories of my time there. Despite my late start, STPS quickly became a place where I felt welcomed and valued. The biggest takeaway from my years at STPS is the importance of hard work. The school instilled in me a strong work ethic and taught me to be dedicated and persistent. These qualities have helped shape my journey so far. I am very grateful to STPS for this. I am currently pursuing my PhD in Quantum Signal Processing and Quantum Machine Learning at Arizona State University, USA.
Niraj Anil Baber
STPS was my first step towards learning how to achieve my dreams. The path paved by my teachers and respected Head Mistress has led me to one of the most prestigious universities in New York. I will always be grateful to my teachers for their love and support. Thank you STPS!
Kiruthiga Chandra Shekar
M.S. in Mechatronics and Robotics New York University
Studied computer science Engineering at NIT-K(Suratkal) Working as a Software Engineer at Oracle -Oracle Artificial intelligence cell
St Thomas public school, a school you wouldn't have heard much off but the students produced in this school make other institutes famous. Personally, it's made me self sufficient in this academic world, teaching me things in a disciplined and simple way. The teachers and the wisdom and discipline they impart are great building blocks for young students like me. The infrastructure of the school might not have much to say but it's teachers and environment structures you from the inside to be disciplined human beings and intelligent brains, and this I say from first hand experiance.
Joshua Allen
Batch 2021-22
St. Thomas Public School has been more than just an educational institution for me; it has been a cornerstone of my growth and development. Beyond imparting rigorous education, STPS instilled in me invaluable virtues of humility, discipline, and a penchant for thinking beyond the ordinary. I owe immense gratitude to the exceptional teachers whose teachings and principles continue to resonate with me, guiding my path regardless of where life takes me. The environment at STPS always encouraged me to explore and unleash my creative potential. It is an honor to have been nurtured by STPS during my formative years, shaping me into the individual I am today.
Tabitha Sneha
Batch 2017-18
I am Aaditya, currently studying in Class X at ICSE. Right from my days in Nursery to my present class, I have been fortunate to have teachers who have consistently made learning enjoyable and fun. Their readiness for simplifying complex concepts has been truly impressive. The incredible support extended by both my class teachers and subject teachers has been invaluable. Additionally, the library has been a great asset, providing a plethora of books for reference. This has greatly enriched my learning journey and deepened my understanding of various subjects.
Aaditya Gopakumar
Class X 2024-25
The teachers are absolutely the best and basics taught by them acts as a solid foundation.The moral values and discipline inculcated in us has shaped our deamnor and has made us successful student and masters in our forte
2021-22 batch
Academic Qualifications: Bachelor of Honors in Engineering in Electronics and Communication Engineering at City University of Hong Kong, HK Master of Science in Computer Science and Neural Engineering at Carnegie Mellon University, USA
Hi, I am Aishwarya Rajan, student of batch 2012. I studied here from LKG to 10th standard. When I think about school, I remember my teachers. I'm really grateful to them for what I am today. Their level of expertise and dedication is immense. I still cherish their love and care. Being disciplined and working hard always pays off is what I learnt here. Our Head Mistress is always a pillar of strength for all students. Age is just a number for her, truly thankful for her care and concern. With great pride I always say that I'm an Ex-Thomasite.
Aishwarya Rajan
As an alumnus of STPS, I am grateful for the remarkable dedication and commitment demonstrated by the teachers during my time there. The school fosters an environment of academic excellence, setting high standards with the curriculum and providing us with the support needed to surpass them. This focus and discipline has been instrumental in preparing students for the challenges of the professional world.
2006 Batch
Having studied at St. Thomas Public School for 13 years, I can confidently say that the school is a beacon of academic excellence. Education is treated as worship here. The faculty aren't just teachers; they're mentors and cheerleaders who make learning a fun and unforgettable experience. Their proficiency and hold on their subject, together with their passion and dedication for teaching, ensure that every student reaches their full potential. From morning assemblies to surprise tests to various debate and singing competitions, the school shaped my formative years. Always proud to be a Thomasite.
-Dhanyashree Rao
St. Thomas Public School was my educational home for over a decade, and not once did it feel mundane. Each day commenced with a heartfelt welcome from our Headmistress. One of the school's greatest assets was its faculty; each member was not only proficient in their subject but also possessed a multitude of talents. They fostered an atmosphere where students felt encouraged to explore their hobbies and unleash their creativity.
Adhitya Menon
2021-22 batch
St. Thomas Public School was my educational home for over a decade, and not once did it feel mundane. Each day commenced with a heartfelt welcome from our Headmistress. One of the school's greatest assets was its faculty; each member was not only proficient in their subject but also possessed a multitude of talents. They fostered an atmosphere where students felt encouraged to explore their hobbies and unleash their creativity.
St Thomas Public School has been extremely instrumental in shaping me as a person both inside and outside the classroom. Especially the teachers who have consistently been a part of our professional and personal growth . Not only are they unassuming experts in their subjects but they also imbibed in us a great deal of personal values that guide us in all paths of life
Keerthi KM
I am an alumni of St Thomas Public School and I am proud of whom I am today.This school has not only given me the best education but it has also built my personality, discipline and behaviour. The teachers here provide utmost care to each student in the class.. Through all the highs and lows they were the ones supporting me. I have been in this school for 12 years and I can assure each one of you that if you are guided by these lovely teachers and the wonderful management, you will turn out to be an excellent student and above all a good human being which is the main objective in our lives. I commend the effort put in by the teachers in giving timely, valuable feedback and suggestions that are quintessential for the all-round development of the children. I bet you that when you leave STPS you will know that there is a strong bond formed between you and the teachers here.I have felt it myself..Thanks to their guidance and unwavering support, I'm equipped with the skills and mindset to navigate life's journey with confidence and resilience. I would surely recommend this school for a happy childhood and a warm, loving atmosphere
St. Thomas Public School was my educational home for over a decade, and not once did it feel mundane. Each day commenced with a heartfelt welcome from our Headmistress. One of the school's greatest assets was its faculty; each member was not only proficient in their subject but also possessed a multitude of talents. They fostered an atmosphere where students felt encouraged to explore their hobbies and unleash their creativity.
Batch 2021-22
At St. Thomas Public School, every lesson taught was a stepping stone towards personal growth. The teachers there didn't just impart knowledge; they instilled in me the belief that every challenge is an opportunity to excel. "You don't know what you've got until it's gone," is something that's very appropriate here. Each one will understand the blessing of thie school which they overlooked once they move out and regret. Thanks to their guidance and unwavering support, I'm equipped with the skills and mindset to navigate life's journey with confidence and resilience.
Vedha Vardhan 
Batch 2021-22
Life isn’t always a smooth sailing. There is always ups and downs and I am very happy that I experienced it at St. Thomas Public School. The ups are the memories that I will take with me, on a life-long journey, waiting to be replayed and relived every time nostalgia hits. The downs are not entirely discarded as they carry important lessons, not to be forgotten. I was not a bright kid but the teachers and staff saw something in me that I did not. They weren’t just teachers but mentors who believed in me and helped me overcome the academic struggles I faced. Their unwavering support helped me see the positives during tough times, a value that still helps me in my career and all the leadership roles I have undertaken after I graduated. Today, 5 years later, I remember my time at STPS as if it were like yesterday, a place that shaped me and laid a strong foundation for the success story I’m building today.
Jacob M. Prince
2018-19 Batch


“STPS has a good set of Teachers that has creativity and encourages independent learning. The teachers, learning environment, and security are all topnotch. The improvement I see in my kid is significant and their academic and social skills has improved The teachers have lot of patient and give adequate attention to each and every student The teaching at STPS is interactive, strengthening the problem solving and critical thinking skills of the students”
Parent of Aaditya G
My children have gone to different schools before joining StThomas .As a parent I will vouchsafe the fact that products of St Thomas will not fail in their private and public life.Iam pretty sure about it.
Parent of Heera and Kriti